Saturday, 29 May 2010


Thought it was about time i features some blokes here on The Beholden.
I think it's a generally accepted fact fact that ladies are the fairer sex and that is certainly reflected in the number of photos of men vs women on dA.
Maybe being a red blooded chap blinkers me to the few shots of men there are?
Certainly the photos have to be of a higher quality or more unusual or interesting to grab my attention. Maybe it means that I'm more able to judge the photo itself and not just the pretty face featured in it even.

formal sikhs I. by ~Valdoo

Thinker. by ~TristanGreer

new days,old suit by ~M-a-e-e

Monday, 3 May 2010

Bed Time

When you spend enough time sifting through dA there are certain themes that repeat themselves, certain settings that people come back to.
For the self portraiting photographer common items around the house pop up more and more, today: the bed.

march by ~marenkathleen

wilder wein. by ~ReEjKa

Always Hesitate. by ~picturemedrowning

The Naked Truth II

your voice in my head


Focus on Scarabuss

The second Beholden 'Focus' is on Scarabuss.
This guy produces eyewateringly beautiful pieces.
He captures the models brilliantly, every line shouts of poise and grace and sensuality. Add to that colours that he pulls from every pixel and you have some really special stuff.
Go and check out his full dA profile via the link above.

Focus on Foximilq

Foximilq gets the first ever 'Focus' on The Beholden.
I think she's brilliant.
Haunting, sexy, off-kilter, beautiul, mischievous, all these things and more.

Paper Cuts

Look up and smile by *yuumei

47-2 by *gunnmgally

.,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. by ~Icrow